Declarations of candidacy for partisan candidates must be filed no later February 2nd by 4 p.m. (90 days before primary election).
What is the Central Committee?
The Central Committee is the formal governing body of the Portage County Democratic Party and is composed of members who are elected every four years at the precinct level by registered Democrats. These members represent the people of their precinct to the Central Committee and serve as a link between the party, elected officials, and the precinct’s residents. To effectively meet these roles, central committee members should engage in a variety of political and community activities to promote the Democratic Party, its principles and its candidates.
What does the Central Committee do? What does the Executive Committee do?
The members of the Central Committee shall meet not less than three (3) times in each calendar year at a place within Portage County. The first action of the Central Committee is to elect Party leadership (Chair, Vice-Chairs, Treasurer, Secretary & Parliamentarian). The Central Committee also appoints Democrats in the case of some vacancies in public office [such as County Elected’s & Democratic Representatives to Board of Elections].
How do I become a Central Committee Member?
You run for it! Every four years in the primary election for Governor, the Democrats in Portage County elect all Central Committee members. The next election is scheduled for May 2022. The candidates for Central Committee appear as the last names on the Democratic ballot. The candidate with the most votes wins the election for their particular precinct.
How do I become a candidate for Central Committee Member?
You complete a petition and turn in your petition to the Board of Elections. Please use the petition generated by the button below, or get one from the Portage County Board of Elections.
1.Complete your Declaration of Candidacy
On the SOS Form 2-M [use the one generated above from the SOS ], fill in your name, address where you’re registered to vote, county, and “Democratic” Party.
2. Fill in your precinct
Use the first line if you live in a township. Use the second line if you live in a city without wards. Use the third line if you live in a city with wards.
You can check your precinct on the Board of Elections website (Board of Elections | Portage County OH ( )
3.Complete the election date, Party, date you sign & signature
Fill out the election date (3 May 2022), fill in Democratic for party. Then the current date you are signing the form, and your signature.
You’re Done! Turn it in.
Return your petition to the Board of Elections (449 South Meridian St., Ravenna, OH 44266) prior to the deadline of February 2, 2022 at 4 P.M.
*NOTE: The Portage County Board of Elections is requesting that all candidates for central committee return their form in person, to ensure that the form has been completed correctly and will be accepted.
Notify The Democratic Party
If you have any questions, or intend on seeking election to the Democratic Central Committee, please notify Christopher Clevenger-Morris (Membership Committee Chair, Portage County Democratic Party) at