The Federated Democratic Women of Portage County will hold a membership meeting on Wednesday, February 9 at 6:00 PM. The meeting will be held via zoom.
At this meeting Ann Walden, Executive Director of CASA of Portage County, will join us as a special guest speaker. CASA stands for Court Appointed Special Advocate and consists of volunteers–extensively trained–who step up to advocate for children, to inform decisions being made by the court about children.
Candidate Speakers:
Dr. Geraldine Hayes Nelson, Candidate for Ohio House of Representatives
Matt Kilboy, Candidate for U.S. House of Representatives (Congress)
Proposed addition to the Standing Rules:
2.0 Campaign Committee
In each election year, the President must form the Campaign Committee for the purpose of evaluating and recommending candidates, issues and referendums for endorsement by the organization.
The Campaign Committee shall be comprised of no less than three (3) and no more than five (5) voting members.
The President will appoint members to the Campaigns Committee at a regular meeting, to be approved by the voting members of the Federated Democratic Women of Portage County at the same meeting.
The Campaign Committee shall oversee and execute the endorsement process.
The Campaign Committee shall be responsible for making recommendations for candidate/campaign supports, and will be responsible for coordinating those actions following endorsement.
The Campaign Committee will work with the Treasurer to identify a budget for supporting endorsed candidates, issues and referendums for the upcoming year.
2.1 Considering Endorsements
The Campaign Committee will only consider candidates, issues and referendums that will appear on the ballot in Portage County.
Only those candidates, issues and referendums that have received the endorsement of the Federated Democratic Women of Portage County will be eligible for coordinated actions on behalf of the organization.
No Elected or Appointed Officer will, directly or indirectly, use their title or position within this organization to actively support a non-endorsed candidate, issue or referendum.
2.2 Endorsement Length and Revocation
Endorsements will be considered active through the certification of general election results by the Board of Elections, and/or Secretary of State.
Should a candidate for office be unsuccessful in their primary election, or withdraw from said election, their endorsement will be considered null and void upon certification of the Board of Elections, and/or Secretary of State.
If the Campaign Committee has not yet formed to consider endorsements in an election cycle, the Executive Committee may vote to allow specific actions supporting previously elected and endorsed candidates seeking re-election to the same office.
The Executive Committee of the Federated Democratic Women of Portage County may vote to revoke the endorsement of a candidate, issue or referendum at any time.