The League of Women Voters of Kent are hosting “Voters & Candidates, Face 2 Face” on Saturday, April 2nd. The event will take place at the Kent United Church of Christ, starting at 9:00 am. The event is free and open to the public.
Opportunities to talk with and ask questions of candidates running in the contested Primary races
Candidates move from table to table for small group conversations
Register to vote or change your address !
Invited candidates from the following 2022 contested Primary races:
- Republican Primary for Portage County Commissioner
- Democratic Primary for Portage County Commissioner
- Republican Primary for Portage County Auditor
CoSponsors :
Kent State University, Division of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Kent State Votes
Portage County NAACP
NAMI Portage County
Kent Lions
Brimfield Lions